Wednesday 31 December 2014

People = Positivity

Hello again!

I thought that I would try out another blog post. It's 31st December which means tomorrow will be 2015; another year. This past year has gone so quickly, it seems like yesterday we were welcoming in 2014 and we too were thinking how quickly 2013 had gone. It's funny how time seems to fly the older you get. When I was younger, time used to drag on and I used to wish that I'd reach my next birthday quicker and that Christmas would come faster, but now I'm taking advantage of any time that does go slowly, to soak up every moment and remember it.

Something I've learned this year is who my real friends are. I'm not talking about when you become friends with somebody and you have a lot in common and you constantly talk and then suddenly you lose contact because you both have things going on that restricts your ability to communicate. I know it's possible to grow out of friends and that's happened to me a lot this past year. People that I've been friends with for years or maybe just months have stopped bothering or cut me off and there's a point where you've got to stop asking them where you stand with them and decide for yourself where YOU stand. Decide for yourself. You don't have to be rude about it but simply let the person know "you know what, if you want to be friends, that's great. If you don't, that's also fine, but this is where I'm stood at the moment." I feel like you set yourself up for a lot more upset than it's worth by constantly trying with people who don't seem bothered by your friendship, so it's much better to decide for yourself what's happening. If said friend misses you or wants the friendship, then let them know that you're there if you need them. Personally, I find a lot of my friendships are one sided and it gets exhausting and upsets me more than it should.

I'm saying this, because in 2015, I want to surround myself with more positive people. People who will make an effort with me, people who will encourage me, people who will support me and want to see me progress and do well, whether through a friendship or a relationship. I want to set myself goals that I will be able to reach and turn 2015 around after a pretty shitty 2014 and I want people beside me who will provide me with endless positivity. I've had some mental health issues this past year also, so keeping my mood up rather than letting it sink down is an important thing to me and I feel that this will be determined by the company that I keep. I think that you can have friends who will support you when you are successful and making money and happy, but it's quite difficult to find friends who will guide you when you're facing a hurdle and everybody needs someone by their side when they're tackling life's speed bumps - and that's all they are in life, speed bumps. As the quote goes, "you are who you surround yourself with", and that's going to play a very prominent role in my life next year.

What are your thoughts on people reflecting on your mood? Are you making any big changes this coming year?

Your minds matter

Over and out, Rachel x

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